AI Overview

In today’s rapidly evolving artificial intelligence (AI) landscape, securing AI systems has become paramount. As organizations increasingly rely on AI and machine learning (ML) models, ensuring the integrity and security of these models is critical. To address this growing need, HiddenLayer, a pioneer security for AI company, has a scanning solution that enables companies to secure their AI digital supply chain, mitigating the risk of introducing adversarial code into their environment.

The Challenge of Security for AI

AI and ML models are susceptible to various threats, including data poisoning, adversarial attacks, and malware injection. According to HiddenLayer’s AI Threat Landscape 2024 Report, 77% of companies reported breaches to their AI models in the past year, and 75% of IT leaders believe third-party AI integrations pose a significant risk. This highlights the urgent need for comprehensive security measures.

The Solution: AI Model Vulnerability Scan

HiddenLayer provides the advanced scanning technology for one of Optiv’s AI services, the AI Model Vulnerability Scan. This service offers point-in-time scans for vulnerabilities and malware in AI models, leveraging both static and AI techniques to identify security risks.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Detection of Compromised Models: The scan detects compromised pre-trained models, ensuring that any models downloaded from public repositories are from reputable sources and free of malicious code.
  • Enhanced Security: By incorporating HiddenLayer Model Scanner into their ML Ops pipeline, organizations can secure their entire digital AI supply chain, detect security risks, and ensure the integrity of their operations.
  • Visibility into Risks and Attacks: The service provides visibility into potential risks and attacks on large language models (LLMs) and ML operations, enabling organizations to identify vulnerable points of attack.
  • Adversarial Attack Detection: The scanner uses MITRE ATLAS tactics and techniques to detect adversarial AI attacks, supplementing the capabilities of your security team with advanced AI security expertise.

“Engineering and product teams are going to market faster than ever with AI and ML solutions. It’s evident that organizations who neglect to test and validate AI models and applications for safety and security run the risk of brand damage, data loss, legal and regulatory action, and general reputational harm,” says Shawn Asmus, Application Security Practice Director at Optiv. “Demonstrating a system is resilient and trustworthy, apart from merely being functional, is what responsible AI is all about.”

HiddenLayer’s Strategic Advantage

HiddenLayer, a Gartner recognized AI Application Security company, is a provider of security solutions for machine learning algorithms, models & the data that power them. With a first-of-its-kind, patented, noninvasive software approach to observing & securing ML, HiddenLayer is helping to protect the world’s most valuable technologies. Trust, flexibility, and comprehensiveness are non-negotiable when it comes to ensuring your business stays ahead in innovation.

Proof Points from HiddenLayer’s AI Threat Landscape 2024 Report

  • High Incidence of Breaches: 77% of companies reported breaches to their AI models in the past year.
  • Increased Risk from Third-Party Integrations: 75% of IT leaders believe that third-party AI integrations pose greater risks than existing cybersecurity threats.
  • Sophistication of Adversarial Attacks: Adversarial attacks such as data poisoning and model evasion are becoming more sophisticated, necessitating advanced defensive strategies and tools.

“Organizations across all verticals and of all sizes are excited about the innovation AI delivers. Given this reality, HiddenLayer is excited to accelerate secure AI adoption by leveraging AI’s competitive advantage without the inherent risks associated with its deployment. Using the HiddenLayer Model Scanner, Optiv’s AI Model Vulnerability Scan Service allows for enhanced security, improved mitigation, and accelerated innovation to harness the full power of AI.”

Abigail Maines, CRO of HiddenLayer


Organizations can secure their AI models and operations against emerging threats by leveraging advanced scanning technology and deep security expertise. This collaboration not only enhances security but also allows organizations to embrace the transformative capabilities of AI with confidence.